

Physical Education and Sports

At Ashby Fields Primary School we deliver a high-quality physical education curriculum which allows all pupils to take part in competitive sport and physically demanding activities.

We ensure our children are active for sustained periods of time during PE lessons and at playtimes where children complete daily laps around the mile track. Alongside other areas of the curriculum, we educate and encourage all pupils to lead healthy and active lifestyles. Our children learn to master key skills needed in physical education through the REAL PE programme and then have the opportunity to apply this through other lessons such as gymnastics, dance, games and outdoor adventure sports. Children in Key stage 2 also participate in swimming lessons each year.  At Ashby Fields, we employ specialist Premier Sports coaches who lead PE lessons and run a variety of sports clubs during lunchtimes. They also offer a range of after school clubs to all pupils. Our children have the opportunity to regularly take part in a variety of competitive sports both within school and against other schools in level 2 and level 3 competitions.

At Ashby Fields, we have already achieved the School Games Mark silver award for 2 years running and are now aiming to achieve the gold award for our school.