


Music is an integral element of our curriculum which is why we developed a specialist studio housing a wide range of instruments for the children to enjoy. Our curriculum allows children to build upon their natural enjoyment of music and encourages them to express themselves using an alternative media. We understand the impact of music on positive mental health and well-being and support children to find a lasting and rewarding sense of purpose and achievement through musical expression.

Children at Ashby Fields, develop skills to play a range of instruments from body percussion to musical instruments. Children are encouraged to express their ideas and feelings through musical creation and interpretation of music they hear. They learn to listen sympathetically and analytically, exploring why artists choose certain chords, tempo and rhythm. Pupils begin to understand the relationship between sound and symbols whilst developing a working knowledge of systems of notation for the use in performing and composing music. They learn to appreciate and evaluate the work of a range of composers and musicians from their own and other cultures. Throughout their school experience they will achieve confidence, competence and control in singing, using a wide range of instruments, making and classifying sounds, distinguishing pitch, dynamics, tempo, form, duration and expression. They will listen and respond to a range of music and learn to perform to a high standard.